Class JobPriority
is an integer valued printing attribute class that
specifies a print job's priority.
If a JobPriority
attribute is specified for a Print Job, it specifies
a priority for scheduling the job. A higher value specifies a higher
priority. The value 1 indicates the lowest possible priority. The value 100
indicates the highest possible priority. Among those jobs that are ready to
print, a printer must print all jobs with a priority value of n before
printing those with a priority value of n-1 for all n.
If the client does not specify a JobPriority
attribute for a Print
Job and the printer does support the JobPriority attribute, the printer must
use an implementation-defined default JobPriority value.
The client can always specify any job priority value from 1 to 100 for a job. However, a Print Service instance may support fewer than 100 different job priority levels. If this is the case, the Print Service instance automatically maps the client-specified job priority value to one of the supported job priority levels, dividing the 100 job priority values equally among the available job priority levels.
IPP Compatibility: The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
category name returned by getName()
gives the IPP attribute name.