public default String enquoteNCharLiteral (String val) throws SQLException

Returns a String representing a National Character Set Literal enclosed in single quotes and prefixed with a upper case letter N. Any occurrence of a single quote within the string will be replaced by two single quotes.

Examples of the conversion:
Value Result
Hello N'Hello'
G'Day N'G''Day'
'G''Day' N'''G''''Day'''
I'''M N'I''''''M'
N'Hello' N'N''Hello'''

val    a character string

Returns:  the result of replacing every single quote character in the argument by two single quote characters where this entire result is then prefixed with 'N'.

NullPointerException    if val is null
SQLException    if a database access error occurs

Since:  9

@implNote JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying datasource. An implementation of enquoteNCharLiteral may accept a different set of characters than that accepted by the same drivers implementation of enquoteLiteral.