public abstract boolean getMoreResults (int current) throws SQLException

Moves to this Statement object's next result, deals with any current ResultSet object(s) according to the instructions specified by the given flag, and returns true if the next result is a ResultSet object.

There are no more results when the following is true:

     // stmt is a Statement object
     ((stmt.getMoreResults(current) == false) && (stmt.getUpdateCount() == -1))

current    one of the following Statement constants indicating what should happen to current ResultSet objects obtained using the method getResultSet: Statement.CLOSE_CURRENT_RESULT, Statement.KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT, or Statement.CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS

Returns:  true if the next result is a ResultSet object; false if it is an update count or there are no more results

SQLException    if a database access error occurs, this method is called on a closed Statement or the argument supplied is not one of the following: Statement.CLOSE_CURRENT_RESULT, Statement.KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT or Statement.CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS
SQLFeatureNotSupportedException    if DatabaseMetaData.supportsMultipleOpenResults returns false and either Statement.KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT or Statement.CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS are supplied as the argument.

See also:

Since:  1.4