public static FileChannel open (Path path, Set<? extends OpenOption> options, FileAttribute<?>… attrs) throws IOException

Opens or creates a file, returning a file channel to access the file.

The options parameter determines how the file is opened. The READ and WRITE options determine if the file should be opened for reading and/or writing. If neither option (or the APPEND option) is contained in the array then the file is opened for reading. By default reading or writing commences at the beginning of the file.

In the addition to READ and WRITE, the following options may be present:
additional options
Option Description
APPEND If this option is present then the file is opened for writing and each invocation of the channel's write method first advances the position to the end of the file and then writes the requested data. Whether the advancement of the position and the writing of the data are done in a single atomic operation is system-dependent and therefore unspecified. This option may not be used in conjunction with the READ or TRUNCATE_EXISTING options.
TRUNCATE_EXISTING If this option is present then the existing file is truncated to a size of 0 bytes. This option is ignored when the file is opened only for reading.
CREATE_NEW If this option is present then a new file is created, failing if the file already exists. When creating a file the check for the existence of the file and the creation of the file if it does not exist is atomic with respect to other file system operations. This option is ignored when the file is opened only for reading.
CREATE If this option is present then an existing file is opened if it exists, otherwise a new file is created. When creating a file the check for the existence of the file and the creation of the file if it does not exist is atomic with respect to other file system operations. This option is ignored if the CREATE_NEW option is also present or the file is opened only for reading.
DELETE_ON_CLOSE When this option is present then the implementation makes a best effort attempt to delete the file when closed by the close method. If the close method is not invoked then a best effort attempt is made to delete the file when the Java virtual machine terminates.
SPARSE When creating a new file this option is a hint that the new file will be sparse. This option is ignored when not creating a new file.
SYNC Requires that every update to the file's content or metadata be written synchronously to the underlying storage device. (see Synchronized I/O file integrity).
DSYNC Requires that every update to the file's content be written synchronously to the underlying storage device. (see Synchronized I/O file integrity).

An implementation may also support additional options.

The attrs parameter is an optional array of file file-attributes to set atomically when creating the file.

The new channel is created by invoking the newFileChannel method on the provider that created the Path.

path     The path of the file to open or create
options     Options specifying how the file is opened
attrs     An optional list of file attributes to set atomically when creating the file

Returns:  A new file channel

IllegalArgumentException     If the set contains an invalid combination of options
UnsupportedOperationException     If the path is associated with a provider that does not support creating file channels, or an unsupported open option is specified, or the array contains an attribute that cannot be set atomically when creating the file
IOException     If an I/O error occurs
SecurityException     If a security manager is installed and it denies an unspecified permission required by the implementation. In the case of the default provider, the SecurityManager.checkRead(String) method is invoked to check read access if the file is opened for reading. The SecurityManager.checkWrite(String) method is invoked to check write access if the file is opened for writing

Since:  1.7